
2017 Grant Awards
The Board of Directors of Brandon’s Foundation recently announced its 2017 research grant awardees. Nira Ben-Jonathan, PhD, Professor of Cancer Biology, University of Cincinnati (UC), Ohio is the recipient of a $20,000 grant to investigate

Mardi Gras MASKerade 2017 a success because of you!
Thank you! Thank you Mardi Gras MASKerade 2017 attendees, table sponsors, auction item donors, Constellation Brands, Inc. for sponsoring the Benn Banks Craft Wine & Beer Raffle, mail-in donors, speakers, and the staff of the 20th Century

Tickets now on sale for February 25's Mardi Gras MASKerade 2017!
The online box office is now open for tickets to Brandon's Foundation's second annual Mardi Gras MASKerade! This rollicking fundraising event takes place February 25, 2017 - the Saturday before Ash Wednesday - from 7:30 p.m. to Midnight at

#GivingTuesday 2016
On November 29th, #GivingTuesday 2016, help end head and neck cancer by giving to the Brandon C. Gromada Head & Neck Cancer Foundation. Your contribution will fund the 2017 research grants that will “ultimately find a cure for this

Bleed for Brandon's Cause and 2016 Grant Awards
Bleed for a Cause Once again it’s time to Bleed for Brandon’s (Gromada) Cause! Hoxworth Blood Center's Bleed for a Cause takes place between July 18 to August 13 at any Hoxworth Blood Center neighborhood donor centers or any blood

Great Food for a Great Cause - May 23rd
Join us Monday, May 23rd from 5-9 p.m. as the extraordinary staff of The National Exemplar, 6880 Wooster Pike, Mariemont, OH 45227, hosts its fourth annual Great Food for a Great Cause to benefit Brandon's Foundation! Make reservations NOW